Post Bris CareI will go over all the post-Bris care instructions with you on the day of the Bris. Be aware that I am available 24/6 to take any of your calls to discuss your concerns.
Every baby is different. Don’t assume that your son’s reaction to his Bris will be the same as his older brother’s, or your nephews’, or the kid Dr. Spock wrote about. Some babies are totally calm as if nothing ever happened. Some are very cranky until the dressing is removed. And then you have the ones who lull you into a false sense of security by being calm and laid-back all day, only to get upset and start crying in the middle of the night! All of these scenarios are normal. He has just gone through some minor surgery; it is normal for him be cranky. What about Baby Tylenol? There are different schools of thought as to whether it is appropriate to give him Tylenol at his age. If he is very uncomfortable, consult your pediatrician for advice about Tylenol. Bris Follow UpWhenever possible, I come back personally to remove the dressing, usually a day or two after the Bris. In those situations that I am not able to come, I will give you clear step-by-step guidance as to what needs to be done.
Also, when possible, I like to see the baby a few months after the Bris to see how he’s healing. Please make sure to call me to stop by for a visit. |
(800) 83 MOHEL
Please feel free to call me for more information.
If the baby has already been born, call at any hour of the day or night. If I can't take your call, it will go into voicemail. Sabbath calls (beginning at sundown on Friday) should be delayed until an hour after sundown on Saturday. |